Panel Applications are Open

That’s right, panel applications for Retro Matsuri 2025 are now open here!

What’s a panel?
Conventions (like Retro Matsuri) are full of panels! Panels are usually one hour blocks where one or more people stand up and talk about a thing.

Does the thing have to be retro themed?

So if I submit this, I’m hosting a panel?
If you submit the application, you’re applying to host a panel. Panels are ultimately added to the schedule at the sole discretion of Retro Matsuri. We will send you an email if your application is approved!

Do I get into Retro Matsuri for free if I host a panel?
Yes, if you are hosting a panel you will get a free badge for the convention for the day you are hosting the panel.

How old do I have to be?
At least one member of the presentation group must be at least 18 years old, this person is the one who should be submitting the form.

When do panel applications close?
All panel submissions must be in by May 1, 2025.

One last time, how do I fill out this application?
You click this link.

Photo by Abderrahmane Meftah on Unsplash

Does anyone know how to do social media?

Retro Matsuri is happening in July 2025. You can register for it right now. We just signed a contract for our first musical guest and we will be announcing them eventually. We are talking to vendors and getting things ready. We are having such a good time doing all the preparations for starting a convention but none of us have time to care about social media right now.

Here’s where you come in. If you go to the staff page, you can sign up to volunteer and indicate that you are interested in helping with social media. Then, we will talk to you about it. And, uh, then maybe you will do it. Wouldn’t that be fun?


Please wouldn’t that be fun?