- You must be pre-registered for Retro Matsuri 2025 for your panel to be accepted. In the event that you submit a panel that is likely to be accepted, but have not pre-registered, you will have the opportunity to do so to guarantee final approval.
- Panel submissions are not judged on a first-come basis, nor is any particular submission gauranteed to be approved.
- The time choices on the panel form are to help us best schedule your program. Due to the possibility of conflicting events, we cannot guarantee any of these time or day choices.
- We reserve the right to limit or restrict panels or workshops that are overly similar to other panels or workshop.
- At least one member of the presentation group must be at least 18 years old, this person is the one who should be submitting this form.
Other Information
All panel submissions must be in by May 1, 2025. Please take into consideration when planning your panel that you will have 40 minutes to present your information and 10 minutes for set up and 10 minutes break down. It is imperative that you complete your break down and leave the panel room in the time given.